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Go-To Solution For Lawn and Pest Control Services in Keller

Keller homes and businesses deal with a variety of pest problems, but many of these problems start in the yard. It’s very rare for the kinds of pests that invade Keller homes and businesses to fly or burrow straight into your home from a long-distance away. Typically, pests will set up camp in the yard first, whether it’s deep in the ground or in your plants and trees. We understand that keeping your lawn looking great is one of your top priorities, so it might make you nervous to trust pesticides. That is why our technicians develop a safe and effective treatment plan for effective termite control and rat infestations. That’s where Trees Hurt Too, Inc sets itself apart with its exceptional termite and rodent control strategies. We not only aim to eradicate 100% of unwanted pest activity from your lawn and vegetation, but we also promise to do so in a way that will only make your lawn and vegetation look even better.

As a family owned and operated company, we take pride in protecting what matters most: people. All of our Plant Health Care Professionals are highly trained in the kinds of solutions that are tough on pests but safe to vegetation, humans, and pets. That’s how we’ve been satisfying customers since 2014 with exceptional lawn care and the best pest control in the Keller area. Give us a call for a free consultation or read more about our specific lawncare, termite and rodent control, and residential and commercial pest control services.

Four Home Pest Control Tips for Keller Property Owners

While eradicating pests is one of our specialties, we will never neglect the health of your lawn. Keeping your lawn healthy is one of the best ways to discourage pest activity on your property, so here are the top four tips you can perform on your own:

1. Mow the yard regularly to ensure even distribution of moisture and sunlight.

2. Clear up any clutter from the yard to discourage moisture buildup and pest habitation.

3. Address moisture and drainage issues promptly.

4. Get a free professional consultation and thorough inspection from a Trees Hurt Too, Inc Plant Health Care Professional.

To the untrained eye, drainage issues and improper lawn pH balance can be difficult to detect. Your lawn may look healthy while attracting pests such as termites and rodents due to problems you’re unaware of. There’s no harm in scheduling an absolutely free consultation to ensure your lawn is as healthy as it looks. Call us today to schedule your free pest management consultation at your earliest convenience.

Professional Tree Care Services In Keller, TX

Description: A lawn with a tree in the middle of it, showcasing Keller, Inc.'s skillful pest control services in TX.

Sick trees can be hard to diagnose to the untrained eye, but you may be able to save them if you allow our Plant Health Care Professionals to spot issues in time. When trees begin to die as they stand, it can take a toll on your lawn and invite all sorts of pests onto your home or business, so getting help early on in the process is paramount.

Once you notice the leaves at the top of the canopy thinning out, it’s time to call in professional help. With innovative technologies such as tree injections and root sprays, our certified arborists (tree doctors) can nurse a sick tree back to life or prevent trees from becoming sick in the first place.

Failure to protect your lawn from tree-infecting pests and termites will almost always lead to sick trees and structural damage without professional solutions. Plus, your trees can pick up viruses without a pest invasion if you haven’t addressed the health of your soil. Give us a call for a free tree care consultation before your trees get too sick to recover.

How To Control The Fire Ants around Your Keller Yard

A group of ants on a white surface can be effectively managed and eliminated with the help of Keller, TX Pest Control services provided by Trees Hurt Too, Inc.

Fire ants can be detrimental to your own health and the health of your lawn. As soon as you see mounds start to build up in the yard, it’s probably too late for you to get rid of these pests on your own. With numerous ant hills, you and your family could be at risk of a dangerous encounter involving hundreds of painful stings (which can lead to anaphylactic shock).

Instead of hoping for the best, get a professional opinion from our lawn health specialists. Keeping your lawn healthy and hydrated is the key to warding off fire ants that prefer to build their homes in unhealthy lawns that don’t have enough moisture in the soil. While keeping your lawn hydrated in North Texas can be difficult, our professional solutions can provide extra hydration for your lawn when needed, with just a few treatments per year. Give us a call for a free consultation on our lawn health services that can discourage fire ant colonization.

The Benefits Of Residential Pest Control In Keller, TX

While keeping your lawn healthy on your own can help keep pests off of your property, you can’t beat the guaranteed assurances you’ll get with our highly trained Plant Health Care Professionals. Our continuous lawn care and rodent control treatments can keep your lawn looking its best 12 months out of the year along and creating the healthiest, pest-free lawn you’ve ever had. Professional lawn pest control will provide:

  • Insect and rodent control services
  • Vegetation-disease management
  • Carbon-based fertilization (the natural solution)
  • Pre and post-emergent weed control

Plus, with the addition of moisture-management services and our innovative technologies, you can keep your lawn hydrated and pest-free while using less irrigation, which can drastically lower your water bill. Give us a call today for your 100% free consultation for lawn pest control in Keller, TX.

A Quick Guide To Prevent Bringing Bed Bugs Into Your Keller Home

Bed bugs are one of the most feared pests when it comes to home infestations. No one wants bed bugs in their house, but not many people know how to prevent them. Part of the reason for this is that bed bugs are extremely difficult to keep out. Termites and rodents are not like other pests in the way they get into homes, so avoiding an infestation requires careful inspection of entry points and ongoing vigilance. The following tips can help:

  • If you spend a night away from your home, check the place you’re staying for bed bugs before bringing your belongings inside.
  • When you return from a trip, wash your clothes with hot water and dry them on a high-heat setting before putting them back in your drawers.
  • Look through all bags, boxes, and other items before bringing them into your house.
  • Check yourself over before going into your house to make sure bed bugs are not on your clothing or shoes.

It’s not easy to prevent a bed bug infestation in your home, but if you do end up with bed bugs, it doesn’t have to be difficult to get rid of them. Trees Hurt Too provides bed bug control in Keller that will treat your home and fully eliminate your bed bug infestation.

Why Moisture Control Is So Important For Your Keller Home

Mold and mildew in a corner of a room can be effectively tackled with the help of Keller, TX Pest Control. Don't forget that Trees Hurt Too!

When you think of pest control, you probably don’t think about moisture control, but the two go hand-in-hand. Moisture problems are one of the leading causes of pest problems, so keeping your home and yard as free of excess moisture as possible is essential in effectively preventing pests.

There are several moisture control  companies in Keller, but Trees Hurt Too specializes in both pest control and lawn care, including termites and rodents, and we know how to provide the moisture management you need to help your lawn thrive without attracting pests. We can help create a system on your property that disperses moisture to avoid buildup, which, in turn, prevents pest problems while providing your vegetation with the moisture it needs.

How To Stop Moles From Destroying Your Keller Property

A black mole is laying in the dirt, causing a potential need for Keller, TX Pest Control services from Trees Hurt Too, Inc.

If you’ve lived in Keller for any length of time, you’ve probably become all too familiar with the moles in our area. Although they may not show their faces too often, they make their presence known by damaging lawns and vegetation. While it might seem impossible to get rid of these pests, there is a way.

Mole control is available from Trees Hurt Too. We offer mole control services to get your mole problem under control so that you don’t have to deal with holes, collapsing tunnels, and other issues caused by moles. We provide trapping and baiting services and will design a service plan to meet your needs.

How Do I Get Mosquito Control in Keller?

It would be nice if you could press a button and be covered with an invisible layer of protection to stop mosquitoes from biting you. Unfortunately, that technology doesn’t exist yet, and wearing a mosquito net whenever you step outside isn’t practical. However, that doesn’t mean there aren’t ways to keep mosquitoes away.If you have a lot of mosquitoes on your property, one of the most effective ways to reduce their numbers is to eliminate as much moisture on your property as possible. Make sure there aren’t items outside that can collect rainwater. Fill low spots on your lawn or driveway to eliminate puddles. Get rid of bird baths or change the water in them at least once a week.If you still have a lot of mosquitoes on your property after reducing the moisture around your property, contact Trees Hurt Too. Our mosquito control services will dramatically reduce the number of mosquitoes on your property so that you can spend time outside without being swarmed by hungry mosquitoes.

Trusted Pest Control solutions in Keller, TX

  • Pest Control
  • Lawn Care
  • Fire Ant Control
  • Termite Treatment
  • Moisture Control
  • Tree Health
  • Ornamental Plant health

Our Texas Service Area


Stay informed about pests and pest related issues in your area!

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