If it’s the middle of the summer and the leaves on the trees around your Arlington property are starting to change color or fall off, something isn’t right. There are plenty of things that can go wrong for trees, but any tree that is sick or dying can become a potential danger to your property.
Instead of cutting down trees that are still fighting for their lives so that you avoid having them fall on your house in the future, there’s still time to care for these trees to bring them back to health. Tree care in Arlington is available from Trees Hurt Too, Inc. We offer a wide variety of tree care services, including deep-root feeding. If you aren’t familiar with deep-root feeding, find out if it’s right for your Arlington property’s trees below.
Understanding Deep-Root Feeding: The Science Behind Nutrient Uptake
When it comes to certified tree care, the best thing you can do for your trees is to make sure they’re receiving the nutrients they need. A well-nourished tree is a healthy tree. To understand deep-root feeding, you have to understand how nutrients are absorbed into a tree.
Often, when people think about giving their trees extra nutrients, they think about applying fertilizer around the base of the tree. This is how it has often been done in the past, and it does allow some nutrients to get into the tree. However, it’s not the best way. Nutrients that are placed on the ground around the base of a tree have a good chance of being absorbed into grass roots before they have a chance to make it to the tree or can easily be washed away by the rain.
Deep-root feeding allows nutrients to be injected into the ground directly where the roots of the tree are. This provides better nutrient absorption for the tree, providing superior results.
When To Deep-Root Feed Your Trees: Seasonal Timing For Best Results
The best time to apply dormant sprays and deep-root feedings is during the dormant season, either in late fall or winter. By doing it at this time of year, we avoid harming nearby vegetation. We also break the breeding cycle of pests with this seasonal timing. This allows for insect and disease control for trees while also providing the nutrients your trees need to thrive and look their best.
Benefits Of Deep-Root Feeding: Enhancing Tree Growth And Vitality
If you want to know how to protect trees from insects and diseases, deep-root feeding is a great place to start. The benefits of deep-root feeding are many. In addition to helping keep trees free of diseases and damaging insects, it allows trees to grow stronger because they are better able to absorb nutrients. You’ll have trees with leaves that don’t fall off as easily and that don’t become discolored. Your trees will also have branches that are stronger and grow faster than ever before.
Professional Deep-Root Feeding Services: Contact Us To Learn More!
If the trees around your property don’t look their best, it may be time to get a deep-root feeding treatment. Sick or dying trees don’t just look bad; they can also be dangerous. With a deep-root feeding, you can expect your trees to grow better and look nicer than ever before. Tree care near you, including deep-root feeding, is available from Trees Hurt Too, Inc. Our licensed plant health care professionals have the training and experience you want to protect your trees.
Tree care services from Trees Hurt Too, Inc. begin with a free, no-strings-attached inspection. We’ll let you know what is wrong with your trees and what needs to be done to help make them healthy. If your trees could use a little TLC, contact Trees Hurt Too, Inc. today to learn more.